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Sound Healing, Reiki, Breathwork & Yoga to simply feel better and find the Soul in You again.

Hello and welcome

Thank you for visiting my website.


I'm Amie and Soulful You is my small business with a big heart, based in beautiful Norfolk.


Soulful You is the essence of everything I was looking and continue to look for in my own healing journey. Warmth, compassion, authenticity, connection, community, and support, in an accessible way that helps you find your own path to feeling better.


Whether that is using sound, reiki, breathwork, or yoga, or a combination, to connect mind to body, finding peace within, opening our hearts, and filling our souls full of love.


I look forward to meeting you.


With love,

Amie x


About me

My journey into the holistic healing world was quite by accident, or perhaps divine intervention, depending on how you look at it.


As it is for many people, in my younger years life was busy and my career was competitive. I desperately wanted to be a high achiever but I felt perpetually lacking, always trying to prove my worth. I exercised too much, partied too hard, and worked excessively. Basically I didn't take care of myself.


Leaving behind my old career and becoming a Mum was such a seismic shift for me and a huge mirror held up to my own insecurities and need for inner healing. In all the strange ways our society measures success I appeared to have it all. Inside I was burnout and dysregulated. When my marriage ended I had two small people to focus on, I didn't really know myself anymore. I didn’t even know what my favourite colour was! 


It wasn't until the pandemic when everything stopped and a huge loss hit our family, that I realised I had to take some sort of action. Addiction had won, our world had changed forever, but I had to choose a new path. For the sake of my children. For the sake of my mental health.


I stumbled across a local Yoga Teacher Training course and the rest, as they say, is history. I am a qualified Hatha Yoga & Aerial Yoga Teacher accredited and registered with Yoga Alliance UK, I am a qualified Sound Healing Practitioner, training with an Internationally renowned Academy to facilitate individual and group sessions, More recently I qualified as a Usui Reiki Practitioner, and am also certified to teach Meditation and Breathwork with The Academy of Breath. I love to learn and I love to use what I've learnt to help other people feel better.


​Healing continues to be a work in progress, a lifelong journey, but at least I can safely say now that my favourite colour is green. Well for now at least! ;-)


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